Leadership Consulting
Boards around the world are facing unprecedented pressures for effective governance and sustainable performance. In response, chairmen and their teams often seek external advice.
Board Consultation
Boards around the world are facing unprecedented pressures for effective governance and sustainable performance. In response, chairmen and their teams often seek external advice.
on the subjectSuccession Planning
Where necessary, the effectiveness of succession planning at the company management level must be ensured. In addition to the targeted support of internal talent, it is also worth looking outside of the company
on the subjectDiversity & Inclusion
For some time now, the pace of globalisation, mobility and digitalisation, and demographic and social change has been accelerating, making the world we live in more diverse and complex. These far-reaching changes are placing ever-greater demands on an organisation’s ability to evolve and adapt, no matter what their size, international reach or market focus. That is where Diversity Management comes in: to realign personnel resources to the shifting requirements of the global economic environment.
on the subjectLeadership Due Diligence
In the run-up to company takeovers, mergers or MBOs, a due diligence review focuses on the positioning of the company, its financial and legal position, and the expected synergies and market potential. However, in many cases, the evaluation of the management team to be taken over is not carried out with the same level of care and attention. This is despite the fact that the prospects for success of the specified takeover target are, for the most part, determined by the quality and composition of the management team.
on the subjectExecutive Coaching
The pace of change in organisations and the stresses of managing a large and dynamic firm can inhibit even the most talented executive from performing to the best of his or her capabilities.
on the subject