An accurate match

Across all search firms, newly placed executives – even those who were stars in their previous firms – regularly fail to deliver on their expectations. Our track record is very different.

It is not enough, we have learned, to find candidates with managerial ability, skills and relevant sector experience. Success and sustainable value require a chosen executive who is compatible with the new firm’s culture.

Making such a match involves reconciling a large number of variables – in the candidate, the position and the client organisation. In too many cases, the people discussing these variables fail to use precise and compatible language.

Once again, Witena Executive Search takes a distinctive approach to solve this problem. We have developed powerful, proprietary tools to help candidates and client leaders know one another, to make a precise match, and to ensure that placed candidates create sustainable value for our clients.

«The successful growth of a company is dependent not only on a clearly-defined strategy, but also on the proper implementation of that strategy. My job is to find true management talent, people who not only have conceptual skills, but are also great at getting things done and have the ability to bring out the best in their teams.»

– Dominik Suter

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